I think it takes so much courage to come forward and state that you are not a superwoman. Every mom could use some help to balance your life and to reach your dreams/goals. It can be complicated when you work alone to try to diagram your day, and set up limits of your time. Even just getting started with organization can be overwhelming. Life is trying and until you have a clearly designated time for everything, you will never achieve full success in any area. Coaching is a way to help you reprogram your thinking. Learning to have faith that when you listen to your heart you will find happiness, success and balance and do right by yourself and your family is the key to finding success in any coaching program. You have to think different terms. I work with so many women, and it’s so incredible when they learn to be the light in their life. In life you are either the light on your path, or the shadow.
As a Mommy CEO it can be such a struggle to find who you really are. So much of our lives are wrapped into our family and the role we have as mother, wife, homemaker, chef, driver...you know what I mean. It is a never ending role. Add in to that the business woman who is the driving force of the business, the marketing manager, the buyer.... and you can lose the 'you" that you used to know, or wish you were.
The first thing we do in our coaching program is try to see where it is you really want to go. It's so easy to get the bus full for the journey once you know where you are going... but if you have just said "Let go somewhere, anywhere..." who would want to take part in that life journey. And why would you want to take those that you love on a journey like that. And yet we do that every day.
It can be the wrong move to just have dreams/goals that you run out and just jump right into. Especially when we have such passion for our dreams/goals, and we want to provide a life for our loved ones that is full of substance and happiness rather than struggles. Life is made for dreams/goals. Dreams/goals light up our life. It's up to us to follow our hearts, and follow our dreams/goals and use the life that we have been given to really LIVE. But you need to develop an action plan, a life map that will take you from point ‘A’ to the ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’s. When you create a plan it is like a beacon of light shining like a laser in the night.
Think about the light? In my last book I delved into this subject. So I just want to touch base on how the light you give off works with your coaching process and reaching your dreams/goals.
How does the light beam bounce back, or reflect? Try shining your flashlight on a mirror. Shine it at different angles and see what happens. If you hold the mirror at an angle and shine a flashlight on it, does the light bounce back in your eyes? The definition of reflection is when light bounces off an object. Usually we associate reflection with a smooth, polished surface; however the surface doesn't have to be smooth. Light reflects off your shirt, therefore others can see that you're wearing one.
Think about this in terms of your own light force. When you are working hard on your journey, trying very hard to be more light-like and less selfish; the light will bounce from you to those around you. Just as this holds true, we have learned that it doesn’t have to be a smooth, shiny surface for the light to reflect off of you. So when you are full of ego, gossiping with your neighbors, etc… you are still reflecting your light upon those around you.
Try to think of a coaching program in terms of lighting your path, being a shining example of life and love along the way. Faith is not belief. Belief is passive. Faith is active. Be active in the journey; be active in lighting your path. Be active in your dreams/goals. Mom is the foundation of the family life. When you realize how to achieve your dreams/goals by working with a coach you brighten the lives of everyone you love.
by Barbara Lindahl-Christensen – Connecting your life and your passions
Coaching Soul-utions for life and business
© 2007
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