Success Stories

Coaching was an excellent experience for me. I was still fairly new to my job and was about to begin planning a large event. Coaching was able to help me discover where to start and how to start planning. I have just finished this event and it was a lot of fun! And I know that is due in part to the help offered me through coaching.

Coaching has been a great vehicle to guide me in assessing where I am in life and where I desire to be. It has helped me to focus on what steps I can take to fulfill the calling on my life and to be active in doing the things I am most passionate about. It is a positive measure in keeping me accountable and committed to walking in a forward and upward direction instead of being complacent and content with the status quo. Coaching challenges me to venture out from the ordinary into the extraordinary!

I am an individual that is highly driven and extremely occupied, but the problem was that I understood “busyness” as being productive. I desperately needed someone to help me take a good look at where I was headed and help me to achieve some goals that were very important to me. The coaching process allowed me to slow down and offered me some one that I could talk with that would assist me in identifying significant goals in my life and ministry. The coaching process caused me to list those goals and then to be held accountable to a plan to meet them. Just one of those very clear and measurable results of the coaching process has been the completion of a book that I have been trying to write for years. The coaching process also gave me some evaluating skills that I now apply to other goals.