
How Our Program Works

Coaching is serious business - just ask any coach of an Olympic hopeful or medal winner. Successful World Champions are cultivated. That process takes time, dedication and commitment. We expect you to be commited to and involved in the process of growth and development. When you form an alliance with Chrysalis Connection you are getting dedicated professionals and their resources - resources that we have invested time and money in accruing for your benefit. That is why we require a declaration of your commitment in the form of an Initiation Fee and 90 day commitment. When you invest your time and money, you will be 100% more dedicated to the process.

We offer several coaching programs depending on your specific needs analysis. We will help you determine which program is best suited for you by the responses you provide to us in your Coach-Ability Assesment forms. All programs require payment in advance and a minimum 2 Month Commitment.


- Unlimited Email communication.
- Complimentary Coach-Ability Assessment Review and Intake Consultation
- Program Review at the end of your coaching session to determine your productivity and strategize your next step.
- Tools & Resources


Our sessions are offered via phone or internet ('cybercoaching').

For phone coaching, you will be given a call number and passcode once you submit your registration and your session has been scheduled. You will call in at your scheduled time and your session will begin immediately. You can access the call number from any cell phone, land line, or VoIP service.

For Cybercoaching (recommended), we use a service called 'VMDirect' which allows us to conduct face to face coaching through our internet webcam. In order to receive this type of coaching, you will need to have a subscription to the service. It is free for 30 days, and after that you are billed $9.99 per month. In addition to using this tool for your coaching sessions, you will be able to use the many resources included in your subscription for communicating with friends, family, and clients. To subcribe, please visit .


To redeem your complimentary coaching session, please register at: You will be contacted by a team members to schedule your free session.

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