
5 Ways To Strengthen Your Personal Foundation

Foundations are important when you want to build anything. You know the construction rule which the taller the building, the deeper the foundation. It really is no different when you are building a life!

Let me ask you, do you take better care of your car than yourself? Are you tired? Approaching burnout? And not much fun to be around? If you said yes to some of theses questions, it is time to shore up your own foundation. The bigger your goals, the more energy and focus you need. A strong personal foundation is your support system to achieve success.

1. Focus on your strengths. Life is too short to perfect your weaknesses. Stop trying to do it all! Do the things you have a passion and brilliance for and delegate or dump the rest. Is it time to hire a Virtual Assistant? I know....I know..... you are a perfectionist and no one can do it like you. Some things are not worth doing perfectly. Other things will be done faster and better by someone who has different skills than you. Let go of the things that you can delegate and focus on the activities that bring you money and that you love to do.

2. Set boundaries. Life is too short to work with jerks! Luckily most clients don't fall into that category, but maybe need a little coaching on how to treat you. If you don’t respect yourself, others won't treat you with respect either. You train people how you want to be treated by what you will accept. Once you’ve communicated and set boundaries with others, they will usually honor them. Most people want it to be a win/win. For those that don''ve got 2 words for them...bye-bye!

3. Plan your time off and vacations first. Life is too short to postpone the fun! You have a business and you have a life that the business supports. Enjoy the benefits of your hard work. Otherwise, you rob yourself of pleasure and probably do a poorer job for clients when you are feeling overworked or burned out. Time for rejuvenation should be a weekly block of time. The studies show that people who overwork, lose efficiency. So, plan to fill up your personal gas tank EVERY week!

4. Get rid of tolerations. Life is too short to get bogged down in the muck. The energy draining vampires are subtle but powerful. They distract you and impact your effectiveness. Use this exercise to minimize these energy suckers: Make a long list of everything you are tolerating. Start to attack 5 each week. You'll be amazed at the difference this makes in just a few weeks.

5. Enjoy Yourself. Life is too short to live someone else’s expectations. One of my favorite quotes is by my husband, Bub, who says,"If you aren't enjoying yourself you are doing it wrong." I misquoted him once by saying "If you aren't having fun, you are doing it wrong" and he corrected me by explaining it was about enjoying SELF. In other words, liking the person you are and the things you are doing. Being true to your values and expressing your unique flavor is integral to this.

There you go....some personal foundation building blocks. Working on which of these would enhance your joy and your life? Go for it!

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Copyright© 2007, Joann Fossland. All right reserved. Joeann Fossland, Certified e-PRO Trainer, GRI, PMN, is a Master Certified Coach and Founder of the Web Women Giving Circle, national speaker, trainer, who works with highly motivated people that want to excel in business while having a life they love. Joeann created The Real Estate Game ™, a daily motivational accountability call that is played in a game format for 4 weeks. She also writes a monthly newsletter and hosts free teleconference calls. For information contact
contact the FrogPond at 800.704.FROG(3764) or email

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