
Your Thoughts Create Futures—How Does Yours Look

As a man thinketh in his heart so is he Proverbs 23:7

One of the most important things we can do if not the most important is to spend sometime thinking about what we are thinking about. Yes, thoughts are powerful things. They make us who we are. Do you remember when you were young and your mom or somebody use to say to you, who do you think you are. Then you started to doubt yourself.

Or even now people will try to talk you out of stepping out of the box because they are so used to stinkin’ thinking. I suggest listening to positive self help CDs on tapes in the car. This will help you stay focused on being positive. Not only does thoughts have power but what we speak with our mouth multiplies and brings that very thing into existence.

Here are some tips to help control your thinking and keep them going in the right direction:

•Pay attention to what you take in. If you’re listening to someone who is always negative, gossip, negative music, then chances are you will be to. Garbage in Garbage out.

•Make time for reflection. What good things are happening today? Write them down in a journal. What areas of your life could use some improving?
•Let things go quickly. If you make a mistake, Apologize and let it go. Move on.

•Leave the past in the past. Stop rehashing old things that happened in the past.

•Forgive people who have hurt you in the past. We are all human and we make mistakes including you.

•What you focus on grows. So focus on loving people, and encouraging people. Get out and help someone else. “Our life is what our thoughts make it.”

•Find a new circle of friends. It is said that the 6 people closest to you determines your future. Start to notice if everyone around you is negative. Find some new people to be around. If it is you who are negative, make an effort every second of everyday to stay focused on things that are positive.
Constantly cast down those negative thoughts and replace them with positive.

•Spend time daily visualizing the results you want. Start acting like you have already achieved them.

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Shonda Miles is a business consultant and business coach. Gotta Take Action provides informative articles and advice to women-owned businesses who are ready to skyrocket their profits. Learn more about how to catapult your business success by visiting for more information. If you enjoyed this article, join our newsletter Hot Marketing Tips today.

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