When we have goals, we have our destinations in each period of our life. Whether we will get to those destinations depends on our actions. In order to have the right actions, we need to have plan. It is however difficult for many people to follow through their plan despite the need to achieve their goals. What are the reasons why they can not follow through? In this article, we will talk about why people do not take actions that they are supposed to take and how to follow through their action plan.
One of the most common reasons that make people do not follow through is that they are not willing to be out of their comfort zone. We are all animal of habits. We normally do what we used to do. This is normal animal instinct. We feel safe when we are certain on the result we will get from our actions. The space that we limit our action is called the comfort zone. We are comfortable staying in this zone and on the contrary we feel unsecured when we are out of it. We have comfort zones in every area of our life. We need to understand how important it is to step out of comfort zone.
The disadvantage of staying in your comfort zone is that you will never grow within it. You will not grow physically, mentally, spiritually, financially and on the relationships with others. We have to practice our mind to get used to working our way toward our goals despite feeling uncomfortable. The following seven tips will help you to follow through your plan.
1. Know what you want and why you want it.
You need to know what you want out of your actions and the reasons why you want it. You will not be motivated to do what you are supposed to do if you are not clear on what you want. Clarity is your power to go to your target. Be clear on your goals. You need to decide what you want and then make the commitment on achieving it.
2. Choose the area that you love to do.
Your actions to your goals will need to be repeated over and over again. If you do not love what you do, it is very hard to continue doing. Your mind will tell yourself that you have no fun doing it. This is why people give up a lot easier than they are supposed to. Many people said they do not have choice doing what they do not like. On the contrary, they do not really decide to do what they love. Instead, they let themselves in doing what they do not like. It is up to your decision to stop what you think you must do and go to the area that you love most.
3. Start doing something.
Another thing that happens to many people is that when they want something, they do not even bother to start doing something. Tony Robbins always mentions his technique on actions that he never leaves the site of making decision without doing something toward his goals. You can do that also by start doing something toward your goal. Once you have the first step, other steps will be a lot easier for you.
4. Keep your momentum and keep your target at sight.
Once you start doing something, don't let your actions die afterwards. Keep doing what is in your plan. Do not let your mind flies away while you take action. Focus on your goals. You can make a vision board or some goal vision note to see as often as you want. This will remind you the importance of your goal and motivate you.
5. Evaluate your actions and results.
Review your actions and see if you need to correct anything. Keep your statistic and compare with the standard. Change your approach if you need to but never change your goals.
6. Resolve not to give up.
Not giving up is one of the best qualities of successful people. You need to make sure that you also have that quality. Commit to yourself that you will not give up no matter what happens.
7. Visualize your success regularly.
Visualization will make your subconscious mind attract what you want into your life. This is according to the law of attraction. You can attract all situations and attributes favorable to your goal achievement by visualization daily. Visualize in your mind as if you are achieving your goals in front of you. Feel it and absorb what happens. You may want to add the background audio while you are visualizing. It will enhance your attraction. There are many background audios in the market. Attraction Accelerator can be one of your choices.
Not following through what you are supposed to do is one of the major hurdles to your success. This article talks about why this happens and how to overcome it.
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