
Increase Your Possibilities for Positive Changes with a Mastermind Team

'The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.' John Sculley, past president of PepsiCo, celebrated CEO of Apple Computer and now a partner in the private investment firm of Sculley Brothers, teaches us that.

This is exactly what a mastermind group can do for us. A mastermind team will help us not only to see, but also to create and design exciting and new possibilities before they would otherwise become obvious!

Many people think masterminding is all about business. That probably is because financial success is a fairly clear measure of how the power of masterminding can make a difference.

The good news is that we can use the marvelous power of the mastermind to make positive and lasting changes in our personal lives as well as the lives of those we care about. What is one area of your life that you would like to make some positive changes in?

We suggest you stop and take time to step back and really look at and think about how your life is managed now. Think about what is working. Ask yourself what could be working better for you.

Next, review what kind of support you already have. Now, consider what your life could be like with a lot more positive encouragement, inspiration and extra ideas being shared with you.

It is quite likely that with a Mastermind team behind you, all kinds of possibilities that have been overlooked or unseen by you will be discovered and become available for you.

The entire Mastermind process is based on an ancient principle that has been proven time and time again: When two or more people come together in a spirit of harmony and trust to work together towards a common purpose or goal, their combined energies are many, many times greater than the simple sum of their respective individual energies.

Because of this extra energy that exists in Mastermind groups, you find solutions to your everyday problems whether they are related to relationships, money, or health.

It doesn't matter what area of your life you would like positive changes in, masterminding can provide insights and inspiration, combined with the best of advice, counsel, and encouragement for your personal situations.

Pick one area of your life that you would like to see some positive changes in. As you look at your current daily life, your family, dreams and goals, what part of your personal world would you like to begin with?

To make things easier for you, here is a list of "the Seven F 's " for you to review and choose from: Faith, Family, Friends, Financial, Fitness, Fulfillment and Fun.

In order to give you the greatest opportunity for success, we suggest you begin with only one area of focus at a time. Have you chosen one? Great! By having a mastermind group around, you won't have to go it alone.

The good news is that if there is not an existing mastermind group that fits your situation, it is easy to start one. The next step for that is to start thinking about who you know that you respect and enjoy being with.

Most successful groups have between 6 and 10 people. You can get started with as few as 2, and 12 has proven to be a maximum number.

Choose positive people that are already enjoying the kind of life you would like to be living. Variety really is a spice of life. Bring together a diversity of people. Look for different lifestyles, cultures, occupations, educations and more.

Masterminding can help you make decisions about issues you face each day of your life. You may have a catastrophe that could have occurred, a joyous occasion to celebrate, or an opportunity for growth or change that you want to investigate.

With the members of your mastermind group behind you, you will have the additional benefit of their combined years of success and experience to draw upon.

Identify the area of your life you would like to improve. Set your goals. Then, relax and focus on what you have to do each day for yourself and let your mastermind team help you figure out what is the best course of action to take to make those changes.

Stephen Covey said "How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most."

What does matter most to you? Your mastermind team will help you identify your priority, clarify your picture, maintain your focus and help you stay motivated to take action on what really matters in your life.

Masterminding has proven successful for thousands of years. The support of a team will help you recognize many wonderful options that are available much sooner than you would have seen them on your own.

Today is a good day to take it to your personal life and let the marvelous power of the mastermind help you bring more joy and happiness into your everyday life as you work towards success and achieving your dreams.

John Carpenter Dealey started his first business at age nine and became a "self-made millionaire" by the age of 27. If you would like to learn how to apply these powerful Mastermind principles in your own life, sign up for a free subscription to MasterMind Tips ezine at: http://www.dr-mastermind.com/

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